Course Summary

Students Data

Subject of Master's Thesis

The 2023

  • The Current Situation and Background of Research Activities Based on the Free Ideas of Early-Career Scientists: An Interview Survey
  • The Formation and Introduction Process of the System of Management in Universities by a Single National University Corporation: A Case Study of the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System and the Nara National Institute of Higher Education and Research
  • Formation of Women's Universities in Japan: A Case Study of Tsuda University in the Postwar Era
  • Why is Diversity Required in Admissions Selection? :Facts and Backgrounds of Private Universities
  • Shared Leadership in Universities: Based on the Promotion of Internationalization by the Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Research on the Indirect Costs of National Universities
  • Significance of Women's Universities in Japan and Their Impact on Career Development
  • Do Academic Librarians Contribute to Enhancing University Functions?: A Study Based on Interviews with American University Library Managers
  • Challenges in Appointing Women in Managerial Roles within University Administrative Organizations: A Study Based on Interviews with Women Managers
  • A Historical Study Focusing on Childcare Training Courses in the 1990s and beyond

The 2022

  • Empirical Study of Undergraduate Students' Self-Esteem: Analysis Based on Interviews and Questionnaires
  • Management Behavior of Large Private Universities in Response to Higher Education Policy: A Case Study on Stricter Capacity Management
  • The Current Situation of Foreign Researchers in Japan: Case Study of Research Institutions
  • Feasibility of Recurrent Education in Japanese Universities: Focusing on the Certificate System
  • Efforts to improve education at professional training colleges: Based on special training school-related consignment business by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology
  • Discourse and structure of university students' resilience research in Japan: A comparative analysis with foreign countries' reveals
  • A Study on Substantial Institutional Research as Decision Support in University Management
  • Conflict between Localism and Universalism in Metropolitan Public Universities: A Case Study of Yokohama City University
  • Changes in the Junior Division Education (First- and Second-Year Education) at the University of Tokyo: Focusing on the 1993 Curriculum Reform
  • Background and Impact of University Mergers: A Case Study of Keio University and Kyoritsu University of Pharmacy Merger
  • Initiatives to evaluate faculty members in private universities
  • Diversity as an organizational strategy for universities
  • Endowment Management at American State Universities: A Case Study of the University of California
  • Structural Changes of Japanese Government Subsidy Policy for Private Universities and Private Universities' Behavior in Obtaining Subsidies in the 2010s
  • Regional Contribution Policies and University Efforts: Focusing on Human Resource Development at Kochi University
  • Relationship between British National Education and Humanities in 1920s and 1940s: With Special Reference to the Consultative Committees on Secondary Education of the Board of Education
  • Review of issues related to entrepreneurship education in universities: Focusing on the significance of opportunity recognition
  • Impact of Performance Appraisal on the Motivation of University Staff: A Psychological Contract Perspective

The 2021

  • A Comprehensive Research on Ryugakusei Bekka
  • National University Financial Management Regarding the Reduction of Management Expenses Grants: A Case Study of the University of Tsukuba
  • Research Administration Organizations and Functions in U.S. Research Universities: A Case Study of Pennsylvania State University
  • Generation Process of Distinctive Educational Programs at a Small Local Private University: A Case Study of T University
  • The Changing Social Perception of "University Autonomy" after World War II: A Study Focusing on Debate in the Diet
  • Support for Students with Disabilities at Universities: Focusing on the Changes Following the Implementation of the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
  • A Study on the Establishment Process of Akita International University: Focusing on the History since the Invitation of the Minnesota State University-Akita Campus
  • Regional Cooperation of Mie University through Local and Campus Networks
  • Why do Universities Collaborate with the Regions?: Focusing on Private Universities in Tokyo
  • Policies to Support Female Researchers in Universities: Focusing on the Three Layers of Policy, the University, and Individual Researchers
  • Tie Formation between Startups and Early Supporters: Strategies for Overcoming Uncertainty
  • An Analysis of the Current Status of Career Education in Universities: Focusing on the Contents and Providers of Universities Adopted as Contemporary GP
  • Why Are Student Songs Necessary?: A Comparison between Tokyo Imperial University, the First Higher School, and Keio University in the Pre-war Era
  • An Analysis of the Present State Regarding the Public Relations of National Universities
  • A Study on the Growth of Undergraduates Based on an Investigation of the National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program in China

The 2020

  • Changes in learning and outcomes through a six-year system for training pharmacists
  • Functions and problems related to the collaboration between universities and financial institutions supporting industry-academia collaboration
  • Quality assurance and improvement of academic programs in German universities
  • A preliminary study to develop a system for assisting the presidents of Japanese national universities: Focusing on trustees and vice presidents
  • Establishment and transformation of student-participatory FD: Case study of Okayama University
  • A qualitative study on the planning and proposal skills of university non-professional staff
  • Developing future faculty and graduate education in the United States: Focusing on the debate prevalent in the 1930s-1940s
  • Bi-national university education in China: A case in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

The 2019

  • The History of the University of Tokyo Campus Festivals : The Origins and Evolution of the May Festival (Gogatsusai) and the Komaba Festival (Komabasai)
  • Study Abroad Programs and Management at U.S. Universities : Case Studies of State Research Universities
  • A Study on Staff Recruitment and Selection at Japanese National Universities : Through Interviews with Personnel Department Managers
  • Organization establishment for interdisciplinary research and education : based on interviews with the faculty 
  • Studies on activities for regional promotion by public universities of arts : A case study of three universities
  • Research on the Educational Content of a Doctoral Program in Humanities and Social Sciences: Case Study of a University
  • Issues of the Articulation Policy between Upper Secondary and Higher Education from the Viewpoints of High School Teachers : Based on Countrywide Survey Results
  • A study on selection processes to choose a university : Based on the case of MARCH
  • Balance between expansion in scale and improvement in education at mid-sized private universities in the Tokyo metropolitan area
  • A study on unions in private universities in Japan : From a historical analysis of a University Faculty and a Staff Union
  • An Empirical Study on the Allocation of Fundamental Research Funds to Universities in China College Major Choice in China : Focus on Family Background  

The 2018

  • A study on recurrent education in graduate school : focusing upon "recurrent education programs in graduate school for the training of highly talented persons"
  • Social contributions of universities to the local community through cooperation with local governments : Features and challenges assessed by university type 
  • Program Outline and Significance of the Master of Humanities Degree in Japan
  • Multilayered Structure for University Leadership : A Case Study from Columbia University in the City of New York
  • Financial Analysis of Private Universities in Japan : Focusing on trends of large-scale private universities since 2000
  • A Study on Growth Reality of University Staff : From an interview survey to staff with "willing to act"
  • A study on the contribution of the university to the community : Focusing on efforts for elementary and junior high school students
  • Factors affecting student enrollment : a focus on emerging private universities in the suburbs of the greater Tokyo area
  • Research on the Policy-making Process of Higher Education in the 2010s : Case studies of a cap on enrollments at universities in Tokyo
  • Alumni Perceptions of English-Taught Undergraduate Degree Programs in Japan : A Case Study of University A
  • A Study of Adult Learners on Doctoral Courses : An Analysis of Interviews with Science and Engineering Students
  • Study on Governance and Strategic Decision-Making in the University: Based on Interview Surveys with the Top Managers at Rikkyo University
  • Research into Career Support for the International Student at Universities in Japan
  • Management difficulties and policy development of private universities in Taiwan
  • Research of Transnational Education Degree Programs at University
  • The Case of Double Degree Programs between Japan and China 

The 2017 

  • Transformation of graduate school education and course of doctoral course graduates: Focusing on "Program for Leading Graduate Schools

  • The impact of "Comprehensive Support Program for Private University Reform" on Japanese private universitiesAn empirical study

  • Network structure analysis of high school and university in Hokkaido from the viewpoint of admission
  • Post-War Educational Reform Program at the Hitotsubashi University; Focusing on "the Uehara-Plan

  • Study on the Policy over Transition from College to Work: Impact of the Concerning Student Learning Outcomes to the Career Education

  • Study on the attributes of president and influence on management at private university

  • A study on early exposure in medical education: A case study of three universities

  • Consideration on Policy Adjustment Function when Private University makes decisions

  • The consideration about the Application Standard in U.S. State University.: As a main case of University of Michigan(UM), Ann Arbor

  • Studies on The Role of University-Owned Enterprises

  • Teacher Education Reform in University of China: Case Studies of two Universities in Gansu Province

The 2016 

  • A Study on an Undergraduate Curriculum Modeled after a Liberal Arts College: Based on Survey Results on Students at the School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University

  • A Study on the Establishment and Change of the Faculty of Home Economics in Postwar Japan: A Case Study of Japan Women's University

  • A Study on the Curriculum of "Fashion Studies": A Comparison of Japan, the U.S.A., the U.K. and France

  • An Analysis of Time Allocation for Educational Activities by National University Faculty Members

  • A Study on Human Resource Management at Japanese Universities: Review of the Results of a Questionnaire Survey Given to Members of Personnel Departments at Japanese National, Public, and Private Universities

  • The Making of a University at Ground Zero: Why and How the Two Million Hiroshimans Achieved the Impossible

  • Fifteen Years of Reform in National Universities for Teacher Education: The Development of Faculty As Seen from the Substantiation of Curriculum

  • Basic Research Support in Life Science: The Relationship between 'Efficiency' of Research Support and 'Realization' of Research

  • A Comparative Analysis between Japan and the U.S. of Students' Leaves of Absence and University Support: With the Case of A University

  • An Empirical Study of Private University Scholarships

  • A Comparative Study of the Realities of Distance Higher Education in the U.S. and Japan: Based on the Case of Pennsylvania State University

  • Research on Resident Assistant Training at International Education Dormitories: From the Viewpoint of Learning-focused Student Support

  • A Study of the Relationship between  Management Stabilization and Management System in Small and Medium-sized Private Universities

  • A Study on Offshore Education in Australian Tertiary Education

  • Research on Educational Quality Assurance of Higher Education in China: Focusing on the Four-Year Universities in Beijing 

The 2015

  • Significance of "Spirit of Founding" in Private Universities: A Focus on the Interrelation between "Spirit of Founding," School Song, and Diploma Policy

  • Historical Analysis of the Autonomy and Academic Freedom of the University in the Era of Tokyo Imperial University President Kenjiro Yamakawa and the Tomizu Incident

  • Research on the Behavior of Establishing Departments in Private Universities: Trends from the 1990s onward

  • Ideas about the Late-1980s Financial Crisis at the University of Oxford

  • An Analysis of Curriculum in Radiological Technologist Training Education

  • Service Learning in Engineering in Japan's Higher Education with Reference to Examples in the U.S.

  • International Research Activity at "Global Universities" in Japan: From a Trend of  Business Departments 

  • Verification of the Effects of the Adult Education Program to Improve Multicultural Adaptivity

  • The Reality of MOOC in Japan: An Analysis of JMOOC from the Perspective of Students

  • Empirical Research on the Occupational Significance of University Education:    A Professional Survey

  • An Analysis of Tuition Fee Revision in Private Universities 

 The 2014

  •  A Practical Study on Learner-Centered Methods in High School to Promote Changes in the Learning Method at University

  • A Study on the Researcher Training Function in Graduate Law Schools: A Case Study of Researcher Training Institutions under the Influence of the Legal Profession

  • The Current Status and Issues of MOOC: A Case Study of Columbia University 

  • Effects of the Extension of the Pharmaceutical Education Program to Six Years on Student  Life

  • Analysis on the Effect of Study Abroad: Based on Survey Results from 1991-2011

  • The Role of Scholarship Management Practices in University Management Policy: An Analysis of Scholarship User Survey Data from the Japan Student Services Organization 

  • An Analysis of Human Resource Management in Japanese National Universities Before and After the Incorporation

  • A Study on the Roles of Higher Education for Human Resource Development in Sweden: From the Perspective of the Professional Qualifications in Engineering

  • Research on Effective Study Abroad Programs in Japanese Universities

  • University Knowledge from the University Extension Program Perspective: A Case Study of the University of Tokyo

  • A Study on Korea's Foreign Student Policy and Quality Improvement: The International Education Quality Assurance System

  • Historical Transition and Acceptance of Self-Assessment in Private Universities: Focusing on Certified Evaluation and Accreditation

  • Research on the Mission and Challenges of Palestinian Higher Education  

The 2013

  • A Comparative Study between Faculty and Students in Terms of Their Awareness of Teaching Methods at Universities

  • Expansion and Transformation of the Institutional Review Board's Functions at Universities: From the Perspective of Freedom of Research and Research Regulations

  • Characteristics of National College of Technology's Graduates and Their Private Rate of Return

  • Classification of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Contemporary Japan: An Analysis from the Perspective of Educational Content

  • Policy Adjustment Functions in University Organizational Reform: A Case Study of the Establishment of a New Faculties at Doshisha University

  • An Empirical Study on the Factors of Faculty Job Satisfaction and Motivation 

  • A Study on the Effects of International Student Admission Resulting from the "Global 30" Initiative: A Case Study of the University of Tsukuba

  • An Analysis of the Academic Achievement among University Students: A Case Study of English Courses at Rikkyo University 

  • A Study on the Impact of Introducing Integrated Entrance Exams at Private Universities: A Case Study of University A

  • A Study on Recurring Donations at Higher Educational Institutions in Japan: Focusing on the Case of University A  

The 2012

  • Formation and Development of University Technology Transfer Organizations: Focused on Private Universities

  • Analysis of the Career Path of the Executive Director (Executive Secretary*) at National Universities

  • Study on the Key Factors Influencing on the Establishment of Private Nursing Colleges

  • Study on College Name Change

  • Formation of a New Framework for a Global Higher Education: Case Study of United Nations University

  • Experimental Study on Faculty Council Administration: Case Study of A Private University

  • Analysis of University Standard Deviation Scores and Employment by Large Companies

  • Distribution Analysis of Scientific Research Grants: Focused on the period from 2002 to 2012

  • Analysis of Financial Structure of Grants to National University Corporations