
  • Motohisa Kaneko (招待講演) , Higher Education Policies and Development in Japan: Asian Bureau of Economic Research、Approaches to Funding Higher Education,  Bangkok, 14-15 Bangkok.
  •  Motohisa Kaneko (招待講演)、 Political Economy of Quality in Education、 Beijing University Institute for Educational Finance.  Beijing, China,  22-23 June 2008
  • Motohisa Kaneko (招待講演)  Higher Education Quality: Theories and Applications、International Conference on International Conference on Quality in Higher Education: Theoretical and Analytical Issues, Amoi University Institute of Higher Education.  17-18 May 2008
  • "Politics of Key Competence - The East Asian Context." 2007 International Conference  on Competency-Based Education Reform, March 21, 2007, pp.123-130.
  • 「高等教育大衆化の政治経済学 - 日中比較」中国教育経済学会(2006年9月 青島)
  • 「東アジア型高等教育における財政の課題」、日中高等教育財政会議 北京大学、2006年9月17・18日
  • "Incorporation of National Universities in Japan," International Conference on Higher Education and Changes: Reflections on International Trends and Taiwan Experience.(11 November 2005 National Chung Cheng University.
  • "Marketization of Higher Education- Trends, Issues and Prospects," International Seminar on University Management and Higher Education Policies -  Trends, Issues and Prospects, Tokyo, (19-20 September 2005).
  • "Educational Reforms in the Japanese Context An Overview,"4th International Symposium on Core Academic Competences: Policy Issues and Educational Reform." Tokyo (23-24 July, 2005).
  • "Japan's Incorporated National Universities - Design, Reality and Prospects,"  International Lecture Series, Korean Educational Development Institute, Seoul, Korea. (19 November 2004).
  • "Education and Training in Japan―Limits, Issues and Prospects for the 21st Century―," Paper Prepared for 7th Anniversary International Seminar on Linkage between Higher Education and Labor Market、Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training(Seoul, November 17th through 18th,  2004)
  • "Transforming the Japanese Mode -―Educational Strategy for Japan of the 21st Century," Paper Prepared for International Forum on Education Development, Beijing (23-25 August, 2004).
  • What Institutions Should Expect from the Government?."  International Conference on Globalization and Higher Education, (March 2002, Stockholm). 
  • "From State Facility to Corporate Model? Consequences of Quasi-Marketization."  OECD/IMHE Conference. (September 2002, Paris)
  • 「日本の高等教育改革」、日中高等教育会議、2002年3月4-5日、北京:北京師範大学。
  • "Globalization and Higher Education - The Japanese Case." Paper prepared for OECD-Nederland Seminar on Globalization and Higher Education." Amsterdam, 25-27 March 2002.
  • "From Mass to Universal Higher Education? - Educational Credentialism and Knowledge Society in East Asia," Invited Speech for International Conference on "Knowledge Economy and Educational Development" Program.  14-17 December 2001.
  • "Education and Economy in the Knowledge Society- Issues in Japan," Paper Prepared for International Meeting on Knowledge Economy and Educational Development, Taipei, Taiwan, (December 2001).
  • "Higher Education in Japan - Outline and Issues." Background Paper for Japan-Germany Seminar on Higher Education Reform.  Tokyo. 4 October, 2000.
  • "Changing Governance in Japanese National Universities." Paper Prepared for Seminar on University  Governance: New Priorities and Changing Structures. Organized by Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz in Cooperation with The OECD Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE), Linz, Austria, 29-30 June 2000.
  • "University and Government in Japan International Workshop on University And Government - Changing Patterns of Relation Organized by Center for National University Finance, Japan And  Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo In cooperation with  OECD/IMHE, 13-15 March 2000, Tokyo.
  • "Higher Education Research and Policy/Practice - Problems and Perspective," Paper prepared for Workshop on the Relationship among Research, Policy and Practice in Higher Education, Sponsored by Unesco and the Univesity of Tokyo, Tokyo, 3-5 September, 1997.
  • "Higher Education Policy in Japan, - Issues and Prospects." Paper prepared for Unesco Asia and Regional Conference on Higher Education, National Strategies and Regional Cooperation for the 21st Century, Tokyo, 8-10 July 1997.
  • "University And Society - Emerging Issues from East Asian Perspectives," Paper Prepared for The 1996 International Symposium Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Seoul National University, Seoul National University Seoul, Korea October 16-17, 1996.
  • "Financing Education in Japan", paper prepared for Workshop on Financing Human Resource Development in Asia, 11-14 July 1995, Manila, Asian Development Bank. 32 p.
  • 'Resource Allocation to Higher Education in Comparative Perspective,' Paper prapred for the Seminar on Higher Education Finance and Resource Allocation, 6-11 September 1993, Peking University, Beijin.
  • OECD-Japan Seminar: Current Issues in Mass Higher Education - Financing and Innovation, Organized by OECD and Ministiry of Education, Japan, Held at National Institute of Multimedia Education, Chiba, Japan, 8th-11th March, 1994.
  • Asia Regional Senior Policy Seminar: Secondary Education for the 21st Century, Organized by the World Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency, Held at Tokyo, 6th - 11th December 1993.
  • Higher Education Round Table, Organized by the University of Hong Kong, Held at Hong Kong,8th - 12th November 1993.
  • Seminar on Higher Education Finance and Resource Allocation, Organized by the World Bank, UNDP and the State Education Commission, Republic of China, held at Beijin,6th - 11th September 1993.
  • The Transition from Elite to Mass Higher Education; Organized by OECD and Department of Employment and Education, Australia, and Australian National University; Held at Sydney, 15th -18th June 1993.
  • Education in the Pacific Region: An OECD-PCC Seminar; Organized by OECD and Hiroshima University; Hiroshima, 7th - 10th October 1992.
  • Policy Seminar on Financing of Education in China; Organized by the World Bank and State ; Education Commission, Republic of China; at Dalian, China; 17-21 August 1992. 
  • Higher Education and Employment; Organized by OECD; at Paris; 15-17 June 1992.
  • Organizing Meeting for Higher Education Policy Paper for the East Asian Region, Organized by the World Bank; held at Singapore, 20-22 May 1992
  • International Course on Higher Education Funding, Organized by the Institute of Education ; University of London, at London, 1-5 July 1991.
  • Higher Education and Employment, Organized by OECD, at Paris, 20-23 January 1991.
  • Evaluation for Academic Renewal, Organized by Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education, OECD, 5-7 September 1970.